Developing as a Professional Educator

Developing as a Professional Educator:

A.   I am making progress towards my goal and through this progress have developed new goals as well.  As my teaching years progress in general, I am always looking for new ways to improve and continue my education as well so I can be the best for my students.  In regards to my initial and final CSTP surveys, I have strengthened in the areas of engaging and supporting all students in learning, assessing students for learning, and also developing as an educator.  I will always continuously improve on all areas, but currently I would like to enrich my knowledge of understanding and organizing subject matter for student learning and planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students.  Working in RSP with co-teaching it is difficult to be an "expert" in all academic areas in High School, but I work diligently to ensure that I know the content and follow the curriculum.  I think I have surprised myself in learning how to better separate work life and home life without losing the drive and importance at either home or work.

B.  Beyond induction my goal is to continue to educate myself on the various curriculums and to learn how to best integrate effective teaching strategies centered around student learning.  I see this as a need in the co-teaching model as I have found there is a drive towards "getting all the information in" and not towards actual student learning.  Really understanding what the student is to learn and use strategies to obtain that learning goal versus cramming information for test memorization.  I plan on continuing to educate myself through peer interactions, conferences, research, and basic trial and error.  I will assess the progress of my goal through the lesson changes I am able to implement in various classrooms.

C.  To remain a connected educator throughout my career I can connect to peers through various websites and social media.  I can also be involved in not only school, but community events.  I can also attend various conferences to gather a larger professional network and really participate in developing as an educator.

D.  To sustain the energy it takes to remain passionate about students, teaching, and learning, I found a great article on  (  I found the information they discussed is what I have found saves me from the "teacher burn-out".  I found that developing a community with my peers has helped tremendously as I enjoy going to work to see my friends.  I also have developed closer relationships and turn to them for support when I need it, instead of staying in my own room and doing "my own thing".  I have also developed appropriate relationships with my students where I get to their their likes and dislikes and then center their learning around that to ensure their engagement.  This is also fun for me as it introduces me to new ideas and concepts I may have not thought of before.  I have also learned to take time to care for myself.  While in previous years I have helped students all day and often skipped lunch or eating anything all day, I now will take my lunch and even if it turns out to be only 15 minutes, I eat.  I also try to walk more and do so with my small children so that I am working out stress and spending time with my children.

E.  "Mrs. Greiner is a collaborative and reflective educator.  She is always striving to improve in her professional practice.  Mrs. Greiner maintains the professional duties of her job as a special educator while working as special education department chair for her school, piloting a new intervention class, and working with her school and district to continue to improve the special education program at her school site. She continues to strive to improve in her profession and improve the programs of her students as well." - Reflective Coach, Ashley Macgavin

F.  My advice to new teachers is this:  slow down.  Learn how to prioritize and know that not everything needs immediate attention right away.  Also, spending time for yourself does not make you less of a teacher.  If anything, knowing and doing what makes you happy will make you a better teacher.